Your hope that never fails

“Hope never fails”

POLOKWANE – “Hope never fails”. For one; I have often felt that hope fails. That hope is just not enough; that it is not all that we “hoped” it would be (pun intended).

I am quite sure that I am not alone in this observation of “Hope”. Yet the Bible teaches us that Hope never fails”. During a church service, the preacher once made this statement. He said that the natural explains the spiritual. Now this statement really intrigued me; mostly because I believe it makes a lot of sense.

The Bible explains God as a Father. It also shows those who believe in Christ Jesus, to become sons and daughters of God; now, after all of that introduction, as a father of two wonderful children I have had to learn a few things very quickly:

1. My kids and I will rarely agree on major subjects,
2. My children will quite often feel that I am not making every
decision with their best in mind,
3. All the work that they have to do is not fair, since I made them;
they didn’t ask to be here (a quote from a teenager at school),
4. and so on and so forth…

As a parent I sometimes feel that no matter what I do, say or contribute; it will not always be interpreted as good or fair or desirable. Sometimes as Dad, I will just feel like the bad guy. “Am I the bad guy?” – No! Most definitely not. I am their father and all that I consider as far as my kids are concerned is to give them the absolute best that I have.

Now just for one moment consider how God feels as our Dad, constantly and consistently made out to be the villain. The Dad who don’t care about His children, etc. Is this fair, when He gave us His One and only Son to die for us? Is this fair, when we have so many things: nature, love, life, health… I think not.

He is our good, good Father. Always loving. Always kind and He is our hope that never fails.




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