What’s the big deal with mixed race couples?

Lighten up people, this is the 21st century and if you’re still offended by interracial friendships and couples, then you really do belong under that rock you’ve been living under

POLOKWANE – Okay, real talk. How long has South Africa been a democratic country? 22 years? 22 years of freedom of association and people are still shocked by two people of different races walking together in a public mall.

People look at you like you’re two aliens walking in unfamiliar territory. And the looks, oh my word, the looks of disgust and disappointment like you just committed a cardinal sin. Some people look like they’re about to roll their eyes out of their heads, which I actually find hilarious. Why is it such a sin for two people of different races to be together? Mandela didn’t fight all those years for our freedom for you to be backward in your thinking!

Lighten up people, this is the 21st century and if you’re still offended by interracial friendships and couples, then you really do belong under that rock you’ve been living under.

As a born free, I’ve personally never seen race and as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to understand that racism is taught, you’re not born with it. So people are taught that black belongs with black, coloured with coloured, white with white and so on. Yes, it is also the norm but who said that it has to be that way? I’d like to meet the person who said that people of the same race have to be together and give them a piece of my mind.

Look, I know for older generations it’s something new, growing up in Apartheid obviously had an impact on the way they think but things have changed, people have changed and so has the mindset of many. We call ourselves the rainbow nation but when people create their own rainbows, there’s suddenly a storm that comes to ruin it and that’s so wrong.

Interracial relationships are becoming more and more frequent, look at the new story line in 7de laan with Bernard and Nandi. The amount of backlash that the writers are getting because of it is shocking.

People were all for it but the minute they kissed it was like their screens blew up and their ignorance exploded. Now not everybody is against it, people have also embraced the idea and are loving it. I like the fact that the writers are willing to have a story line that mirrors what’s really going on in society today, it was a brave move that worked.

So next time you see two people of different races walking together, instead of pulling your face and showing your disapproval, smile because it’s a representation of how far this beautiful nation of ours has come. Encourage instead of discouraging!




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