Racism for what?

Have we stooped so low that we cannot be adults about certain situations and talk to people anymore?

POLOKWANE – First it was Penny Sparrow with her disgraceful Facebook post, and now Matthew Theunissen has hitched his wagon to the same cart?

I’m so tired of switching on the TV, going on social media or opening a newspaper and seeing racism plastered all over the pages. You want know what grates on my nerves the most about these posts?

When people turn around and say ‘Oh, I regret it from the bottom of my heart.’ No, you don’t. You knew exactly what you were saying so don’t play the innocent card. And you know what else? When people turn around after their remarks and say “But I have black/white friends, I’m not racist.” Please keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

I feel like racism has just escalated to a new level in the past few months, it’s like someone decided to stir things up a bit and boom, the racism bomb exploded and everyone got covered in stupid.

Have we stooped so low that we cannot be adults about certain situations and talk to people anymore?

Now we result to racist Facebook posts because it’s easier to hide behind a screen and hurtful words instead of being mature? And then, when you get caught or get an attack of guilt, suddenly you’re sorry? Uh, no. That’s not how it works, you should have kept your comments to yourself and saved yourself the humiliation. Haven’t you heard the saying ‘if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all’?

We have such a beautiful country, why ruin it with racism? I’ve learnt that racism is something you learn, you aren’t born a racist and not only is racism a refuge for the ignorant but it seeks to divide and destroy. And what for? What do you gain from being a racist?

I leave you with the words of Bob Marley: One love, one heart. Let’s get together and feel alright.




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