Let us close the country for 2 weeks

This is why the aliens don’t like us, and banana republics don’t want to be associated with us

POLOKWANE – With everything that is currently going on in South Africa, I think we should close the country for two weeks. I know this sounds silly, but please hear me out.
With everything that’s going on, I sometimes wish we could press pause, reset factory settings and stop the merry-go-round. In between #Guptagate, racism, weekly protests and the EFF asking for Nicki Minaj to pay back the money, I cannot deal.

This is why the aliens don’t like us, and banana republics don’t want to be associated with us.

Our beautiful South Africa is spinning out of control. Our justice system is crippled, law enforcement has all but given up on any kind of order, our health care needs a lifeline and the Rand is still trading at “Oh My Goodness!!” to the dollar.  And I am about three Gupta headlines away from packing up and moving to Neverland.

Things are so bad people were not even excited at the news of Suzelle DIY getting her own TV show.

So, before we lose anymore South Africans to Australia, the UK or Neverland, I propose we close the country for two weeks, use this time to not only get to know each other a little better, but find ways to get back our beloved South Africa.

See the thing is, we ALL love this country, but if we continue on this downward spiral, there will be nothing left for future generations. We are tearing our beautiful mother land piece by piece, and it is just too painful to watch. The country needs a collective woosah.

So I don’t care if people spend that two weeks at the beach in their sandals (hopefully without socks), braiding each other’s hair and singing “Kumbaya” around the bonfire, we need a break from it all, a chance to reboot and recharge, go back to the drawing board and to come back as a UNITED front to fight the evils that are tearing us apart and destroying this country (this includes those pesky marshmallow Easter eggs that are actually satanic demon embryos that hatch inside your child. (their words, not mine).

Mayibuye iAfrica!!!



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