
God-fearing leaders need to guide SA

It’s so alarming how people, young and old, rich and poor, moan and groan about the absence of ethical leadership in our country

POLOKWANE – “When time came for David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon his son. So be strong and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in His ways, and keep His decrees and commands, His laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses,” (1 Kings 2: 1-4).

David says these words to his son, knowing how difficult a leadership position was, especially in leading God’s creation. David stresses to Solomon that there is something very important in the centre of his personal life and governance, that is: “To fear God and submit to His instructions.”

Adhering to this would give him prosperity in all what he does and wherever he goes. Firstly, Solomon was to lead God’s people not his own. So, his father simply charges him to be extra careful when leading the nation.

“These people you are appointed to oversee are not to be your own because you did not create them.  “They have their own creator, God the Almighty. So, your leadership should never be tempted to think they rotate in the palm of your hand.

“In other words you are to love, listen, respect them and to put them high in the agenda of your governance. Solomon, People First!  “Secondly, Solomon, your leadership should be based on fearing God and submission to His instructions. How do you lead people when you are in the dark yourself? Embedded in your leadership style should be discernment of God’s will about and for His people.”

David was inspiring Solomon to consider himself as a servant of God to people, not a self-sufficient seat of power. The same way, people of South Africa deserve this kind of leadership. It’s so alarming how people, young and old, rich and poor, moan and groan about the absence of ethical leadership in our country.

This country deserves God-fearing leaders. Leaders who will hate injustice and self-enrichment, but cannel all their energy into developing peoples’ lives. Leaders who will listen to God’s people with humility and respect, not leaders who think they are above the law.

Like in the Bible, those who act against God’s instruction and the constitution of this land have no space to lead this country.  “The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom,” (Proverbs 1:7.).





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