Home remedies to detoxify, keep the life in your liver

HEALTHY FEET AND BODY: Your liver is your body’s primary organ of detoxification, when it’s not well, neither are you.

The human liver filters drugs, nutrients and toxins from the body, produces bile to help digest fats, and removes toxic bilirubin from the blood. Home remedies, foods and alternative treatments keep your liver happy and keep your body healthy.

Foods that strengthen the liver: Organic foods supply nutrients without pesticides and chemicals. Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage increase liver enzymes to flush carcinogens. Beets and carrots promote increased liver function with beta-carotene. Healthy fats such as olive, coconut and flax seed oils protect against gallstones. Garlic and onions activate liver enzymes for flushing out toxins. Dark chocolate, 85% cocoa or more, provides antioxidant protection against cirrhosis.

Drink eight glasses of filtered, fluoride-free water daily. Avocados and walnuts provide glutathione to cleanse toxins. Apples are high in pectin removing toxins from the digestive tract, protecting the liver. Two tablespoons of lemon juice daily with water alkalises the blood and detoxifies. Non-GMO lecithin supports the liver and gallbladder in fat digestion. Leafy green vegetables stimulate the flow of bile.

What damages the liver?
Some foods and additives flood the liver with chemicals, interfering with its ability to adequately clear the body of toxins like:
• Genetically modified foods (GMOs).
• Trans fats and hydrogenated oils.
• High fructose corn syrup.
• Sodas loaded with chemicals and artificial sweeteners.
• MSG, a food additive and flavour enhancer found in almost all processed foods.
• Alcohol, especially if you have liver disease.
• Processed and fast foods devoid of adequate nutrition.
• Soy-based foods, unless fermented.
• Medicines that can overload the liver causing long-term damage.
More about lifestyle, liver treatment and homeopathic treatments next week.
Lizel Britz 072 243 7707.

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