Give your body nutrients it needs with balanced diet

A healthy diet can be defined as a diet that provides the proper combination of energy and nutrients, and is adequate, moderate, balanced, and varied

POLOKWANE – Your diet needs to provide your body with the correct energy, nutrients, and fiber to be healthy, in other words provide adequate nutrients to keep you healthy.

Eating the right amounts of food to maintain a healthy body weight is the basis for healthy eating and living.  Eating the correct portions of different food groups (a moderate intake diet) and avoid over eating is essential.

It is important to include all the different types of food groups (starches, meats, dairy, fruits, vegetables and fats) with a good variety from each group (for example not only apples, but different fruits every day).  This will ensure your diet is balanced and varied providing your body with all the energy and nutrients (fiber, vitamins and minerals) to function at it’s best – making you feel happy and keeping you healthy.

Follow these tips to balance your diet:

Last but not least, it is important to remember that any diet plan or quick fix diet that excludes a food group might give you fast weight loss results, but these are only temporary in most cases and you could do permanent damage to your health.

For more information or to find a dietician in your area visit and stay healthy.

Prevention is better than cure!





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