CROSSPATCH: Phantom of the farmyard

This is breeding season for geese. One goose went broody and sat on an empty nest without laying any eggs in what amounts to a phantom pregnancy. After a few weeks we took pity on her and placed 11 duck eggs under her, when she continued to sit faithfully on them. When nothing happened after …

This is breeding season for geese. One goose went broody and sat on an empty nest without laying any eggs in what amounts to a phantom pregnancy. After a few weeks we took pity on her and placed 11 duck eggs under her, when she continued to sit faithfully on them. When nothing happened after 4 weeks we investigated and found that roaming dogs had eaten all the eggs and she was again sitting on an empty nest. Just then we had hatched three goslings from the incubator and took a chance by trying to put these three under mother goose one dark night, risking their lives in the cold weather if she rejected them. Now she goose-steps around proudly with “her” three goslings following.
In 1 Samuel chapter 1, we read of Hannah who desperately wanted a child, but remained childless year after year in spite of her anguished prayers to God in the Temple each year. Finally God answered her prayers and a son, Samuel, was born, who became one of the most influential prophets in Israel’s history. Jesus told a parable that encourages persisting in prayer and in Luke 11:9 says “Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”. To some of our requests God in his wisdom says “No” but one prayer he will always grant is the prayer of one who says; “Lord Jesus I have sinned. I believe that you died for the sins of people like me. Please forgive me, remove the stain of evil from me and make me a member of your family”.
Like those goslings we will be adopted into the family of God, most high. “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” (Rom 8:16,17)

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