Donate blood: save a life

TRADITIONALLY, September and October are a difficult time of the year at the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) due to preliminary examinations and preparation towards the final quarter of the year.

TRADITIONALLY, September and October are a difficult time of the year at the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) due to preliminary examinations and preparation towards the final quarter of the year.

As a result, blood drives at schools and universities are not possible at this time of the year.

This together with poor turnouts at companies and blood drives at orga-nisations has placed immense pressure on blood stock levels.

“SANBS needs to maintain a blood stock level of five days at all times by collecting 3 000 units of blood per day to meet the demand of the thousands of patients who are reliant on blood transfusions for their survival.

“However, there is currently only two days of blood stock available and we are concerned that should this continue, we are looking at a major crisis as we head towards the festive season,” says Vanessa Raju, communications manager of SANBS.

“It is only with the help of the selfless blood donors that we are able to help this situation.

“We have implemented a cut-back approach, where we are not able to meet the request by doctors, what this means is; should a doctor request four units of blood, SANBS may only be able to offer two units, and this approach will continue until the blood stocks recover.”

SANBS is encouraging all regular donors and those who have made a conscious decision to join this cause of “saving lives” not to miss out on their next donation date. Members of the public who meet the minimum requirements to give the gift of life by becoming regular donors are urged to visit the donor centre at the Mokopane Mall.

Minimum blood donor requirements:

• Must be between 16 and 65 years.

• Weigh 50kg or more.

• Must be in good health.

• Must lead a sexually safe lifestyle.

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