Kruinie captain shares five valuable lessons learnt at the school

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, empathy towards others and the importance of community are just some of the lessons learnt by Curro Heuwelkruin's school captain Tshegofatso Thubakgale.

POLOKWANE – Having recently celebrated the 17th Founders Day at Curro Heuwelkruin, learners and past learners were able to pay homage to the school.

One of those learners was school captain Tshegofatso Thubakgale, who has been a Kruinie for a decade and shared the valuable lessons she has learnt with her fellow learners.

“I am part of the furniture now and I want to share with you five lessons I have learnt,” she said.

1. Participation. “Whether it is on the sports field, classroom or stage, being part of the Kruinie family has taught me to participate and grab every opportunity granted to me. Participation is not about being the best, but instead pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and being able to try things you have never tried before.”

2. The power of perseverance and endurance. “Heuwelkruin taught me that success is often found in the face of challenges. I have learned that resilience and determination are the keys to achieving your goals. My English teacher always says ‘Good, better, best. I will never rest until my good is better and my better is best.’.”

3. The significance of collaboration and community. “Being a Kruinie showed me the importance of collaboration, community and teamwork. You are never alone and there is always a fellow Kruinie with you.”

4. The value of empathy: “Heuwelkruin taught me to appreciate diversity and have empathy. Interacting with friends and peers from different backgrounds, cultures and perspectives has taught me to respect the unique qualities and experiences of others.”

5. Integrity. “To have integrity is to do the right thing even when nobody is watching.”

Read more on Founders Day and the dreams for the school in this week’s Polokwane Review.

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