Two friends run Mitchell House’s charity club

Mabetji Mankga and Vunene Hlaneki said the club is dedicated to giving time to those in hospitals, at schools, orphanages and homes for the elderly.

POLOKWANE – Mabetji Mankga (15) and Vunene Hlaneki (16) are two close friends and learners who run Mitchell House’s charity club.

The two formed a charity club in 2021 with the intention to host hands-on charity projects at the school.

They explained how the club is dedicated to giving time to those in hospitals, at schools, orphanages and homes for the elderly.

“It started with the idea of wanting to be becoming involved in our school. Although we were participating in fundraising events and other cultural activities, we wanted to be actively involved in charity. And that is how we decided to start a charity club.”

Mankga and Hlaneki agree that their biggest stumbling block is funding.

“For us to be able to execute projects we require money, and it is difficult to execute fundraising activities in the busy school term,” said Mankga.

The Mitchell House charity club donated shoes to a primary school. Insert: Mabetji Mankga and Vunene Hlaneki are two close friend behind the efforts of the Mitchell House charity club.

Last year, the charity club saw the success of a school fundraising project of the donation of school shoes to learners at Rametloana Primary School.

The duo say they see the impact that the charity club has on their community and they hope that in the coming years, they will increase their impact and host more programmes.

“Personally, it has taught me patience and helped me develop my planning skill,” said Mankga.

Hlaneki added that the club taught her that giving back to the community is very important, especially when there are so many people who are struggling.

“It taught me that we need to raise awareness about all the programmes that allow us to help those in need. Lastly, it helped me learn some important skills such as teamwork and communication.”

The club currently has 15 members and they hope to grow it in order to raise awareness of societal needs.

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