
TikTok generation speaks out on one-hour app limitation

On March 1, TikTok announced that it would be limiting usage time for U/18's to one hour a day and adding new parental controls.

POLOKWANE – TikTok has become the most popular app in the world with over one billion users worldwide.

The short-form video hosting service first made an appearance in 2016 but blew up during the Covid-19 lockdown.

But as with any other app, usage and time spent on the app can be unhealthy and there have been many discussions over the harm caused by social media use by younger people.

To combat this, TikTok announced that it would be limiting usage time for users under the age of 18.

“In the coming weeks, every account belonging to a user below 18 will automatically be set to a 60-minute daily screen time limit. While there’s no collectively-endorsed position on the ‘right’ amount of screen time or even the impact of screen time more broadly, we consulted the current academic research and experts from the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital in choosing this limit,” a statement on their website reads.

If the 60-minute limit is reached, TikTok said teens will be prompted to enter a passcode in order to continue watching, requiring them to make an active decision to extend that time.

“For people in our u/13 experience, the daily screen time limit will also be set to 60 minutes and a parent or guardian will need to set or enter an existing passcode to enable 30 minutes of additional watch time,” the statement added.

With this in mind, Polokwane Review asked learners at Curro Heuwelkruin and THS Tom Naudé, between the ages of 12 and 16, what they thought of the restriction.

Unakho Monama: I don’t think it is TikTok that should limit time, but the parents since they pay for the WiFi or data. If they want their children to be limited to one hour a day, then the parents can take away their phones or switch off the WiFi. Children use TikTok for creative reasons or to help them study therefore this limit will affect those who want to use it for more than one hour.
Katlego Mehlape: I do not agree with the limitations on TikTok because it is a social media platform that has developed over the years and gained more users. Fewer people will stop using it because of this limitation. I do not think the limitation would actually work as most people will fake their age and more people will use other platforms which will cause TikTok’s sales and revenue to decline.
Zander de Klerk: Ek dink nie dit moet langer as ‘n uur wees nie, maar as dit veilig is en jy nie slegte goed kyk nie, kan jy die verstelling maak om TikTok vir langer as ‘n uur te gebruik. Maar doen eers jou huiswerk.
Keamogetswe Ramaifo: The limitation on TikTok really sucks for many children who are really attached to it and find real entertainment on it. One hour a day is not enough to entertain. I do not think the limitation will work because many children will change their age in order to find enough time to use the app.
Tebanye Mokobane: It is a parent’s job to control the usage. There are study methods on the app, people show others their creative ideas, and you can get motivation. I think it is on the parents whether they want the children to be on the app longer or shorter.
Damian Mackenzie: Limitation? No way, I would not like it. An hour is short and everyone likes TikTok. I do not think the limitation would work because the youth like to watch TikTok as it is fun.
Juané Boshoff: Ek dink die 60-minuut limiet op TikTok het baie voordele. Om vir lang ure na 15 -30 sekondevideos te kyk verminder ons aandagspan. Dit behels ook baie ander voordele soos dat ons visie verbeter hoe minder TikTok ons kyk, en dit help ons meer fokus. Daarom stem ek saam dat hedendaagse tieners te veel tyd op TikTok spandeer en dat die tyd gereguleer moet word.
Daniela Esteves: I don’t agree with it because the app is very popular in schools and for education purposes. I don’t think the limitation will work because users will move to other social media platforms where there is no age restriction.
Keamogetswe Ramaifo: I think TikTok should only be limited to one hour. The app is too addictive as it hinders our learning. For example: If I say I am going to watch a few videos when I have not completed my homework, it would mean I’d have to do it in the morning.
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