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MEC Kekana sows seeds for youth in agriculture

MEC Nakedi Kekana stresses importance of youth in agriculture, urging young people to pursue careers in the field to combat poverty.

LIMPOPO – The MEC for Agriculture, Nakedi Kekana, highlighted the vital role of young people in agriculture at the Youth and Women Entrepreneur Awards, held in Polokwane on September 13.

“Agriculture is a key tool in combatting poverty and fostering economic development in our communities,” she stated.

The competition aims to inspire more youth to pursue careers in agriculture, dispelling the notion that the field is solely for the older generation.

Kekana addressed the perception that agriculture is unattractive to the youth, who she said often prefer white-collar jobs.

“There’s a lot of money in agriculture, and we’re working to attract young people into this field as part of a long-term plan. The older generation is passing on, and without youth involvement, we risk losing our food producers, which would jeopardise food security,” she explained.

She stressed the importance of women in agriculture and entrepreneurship, encouraging them to seek knowledge and business skills to succeed.

“South African women will never be fully empowered if they continue to underestimate themselves. Gaining information and networking is crucial for economic growth, and women must seize every opportunity to equip themselves,” said Kekana.

She added that women should not shy away from taking risks or venturing into the unknown, as the agricultural sector offers many opportunities.

“This is no longer the time to just talk; it’s time to implement business skills and make progress,” she urged.

During the awards, St. Martin De Porres Primary School from Musina in Vhembe was named the best primary school in agriculture, receiving a R30 000 prize and a trophy.

The principal, Vincent Milanzi, expressed his joy at the win, saying, “We conducted an awareness campaign on land-care issues like climate change, and we’re thrilled that our efforts have been recognised. These awards will motivate us to work even harder and contribute to the country’s economy.”

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Tanaiya Lees

"Tanaiya Lees is the Digital Coordinator for the Polokwane Review-Observer. She holds a Diploma in Journalism and is passionate about sharing authentic stories and making a positive impact through those stories. Although her journey in journalism was unexpected, she found herself drawn to it from the very beginning. Despite an initial career in Digital Marketing and Communications, she has recently reignited her passion for journalism and is excited to be back in the field she loves. With an interest in storytelling and a strong commitment to accuracy, her goal is to produce high-quality content that truly connects with readers. She aims to amplify the voices of those who need it most, shine a light on important issues, and inspire meaningful conversations. Tanaiya firmly believes in the power of journalism to effect change and is dedicated to being a part of that.

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