Lerato Molea’s books tell stories true to societal issues

Lerato Molea is a self-published author who has two books under her belt and her books tell stories that are true to societal issues.

POLOKWANE – Lerato Molea is an author whose work speaks on social ills.

The 23-year-old will launch her second book, ‘Love is a dangerous tool’ later this month.

She explained that the book was inspired by the murder of women at the hands of men who claim to love them.

She started writing in 2016 but didn’t have information regarding publishing.

In 2020, she gave it another shot as she was working for a publishing company and was equipped with the knowledge about different types of publishing.

The now self-published author has two books under her belt and her books tell stories that are true to societal issues.

This book talks of gender-based violence. “It seems to be a norm to die in the hands of partners. In this book, I focused on how love can be a dangerous tool.

The book is about a young woman who loves a man who murdered her children. She would visit him and waited for him to be released from prison on parole to pick up where they left off,” she said.

The book tells of the woman’s struggles and how she ends up in a psychiatric hospital carrying the blame for the loss of her loved ones who perished in a fire.

This book was a challenge for her to put together because she was going through her own emotional turmoil. Lerato shared that she had a mental breakdown in the process after her former partner left her while she was working on the project and her editor putting pressure on her to finish the book.

Then there was a challenge with the book cover and getting the graphic designer to understand her vision.

Her first book was titled ‘A gift from a married man’ and it tells the story of a young girl who prioritised a fancy lifestyle she couldn’t afford.

“She chose to date an established married man forgetting that not all of these married men accumulated wealth in a proper way. This man accumulated his wealth through rituals and she was caught in a race for riches which wasn’t hers to run. She became a sacrifice for this married man,” she added.

She will be launching her book on September 21 at Mercurius Motors Polokwane.

Her books are available on Amazon and emporepublishers.co.za.

Find her on Facebook at Lerato Molea and on WhatsApp at 064 706 8989/ leratomolea@icloud.com.

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