Noorderland learner selected for Global Stem Academies

Gr 10 learner Hatlani Malumbete, one of 150 from 6,000 worldwide, selected to participate in the 2024 Global Stem Academies in China.

POLOKWANE – On July 6, Noorderland High School bid farewell to Hatlani Malumbete, who has been selected to participate in the 2024 Global Stem Academies run by AFS Intercultural Programs.

The Gr 10 learner is one of 150 participants chosen from 6 000 applicants worldwide. He is expected to return on August 2, after completing the programme in China.

Hatlani, who is a twin, shared that he has been gradually distancing himself from his brother and other family members to ease the upcoming separation.

“I expect to gain a lot of knowledge from the programme, from the diversity of being in a foreign country to the advancing technology. I hope to bring back some knowledge that I can implement when I return,” he said.

The AFS Global Stem Academies are full scholarship intercultural exchange programmes for teenagers aged 15-17.

AFS Intercultural Programs, an international non-profit organisation, is dedicated to fostering intercultural understanding and global citizenship.

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