Julia’s NPO is breaking the silence on mental health issues

Sunshine Through the Rain provides resources and knowledge on mental wellness and self-care, creates a safe space for sharing experiences, connects individuals and builds support networks.

POLOKWANE – Sunshine Through the Rain is a non-profit organisation that is devoted to helping those who face mental health issues.

The organisation aims to reduce stigmas attached to mental health by encouraging people to open up in order to get help.

The founder and CEO of the organisation Julia Ntabane says the inspiration behind the organisation is to break the cycle of silence surrounding mental health.

“I could not talk about the difficulties that affected my high school experiences because I was afraid it would make me feel like I don’t belong. I later realised that many young people face mental health issues that they don’t want to talk about and end up in bad situations,” she said.

The organisation provides resources and knowledge on mental wellness and self-care and creates a safe space for sharing experiences, connecting individuals, building support networks, emphasising the importance of prioritising mental well-being and taking proactive steps towards healing.

They create awareness in a form of educational seminars, workshops, support groups, and access to mental health resources such as helplines and therapy sessions.

They also have community outreach programs, engage with local schools, businesses and organisations and make use of social media campaigns.

“By offering these services and programmes, we aim to create a compassionate and informed community that supports mental well-being for all. We also welcome those who are willing to donate in any form,” Ntabane remarked.

The organisation uses social media platforms to create content that is informative such as videos and blog posts which can be very helpful to people facing mental problems.

Ntabane highlighted that if someone wants to start an organisation to help others they must go into it knowing what they want to achieve and be able to define their mission and goals by looking at the needs of the community.

Here are some tips Ntabane gave for people who want to start their own organisation to help others:
– Identify the purpose.
– Define mission and goals.
– Identify problems to solve and its impact.
– Understand the community by knowing their needs, challenges they face and resources that are available.
– Build a strong team and can collaborate with others.
– Be patient and persistent.
– Engage with the community.

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