Unisa graduate overcomes disability to achieve success

Ntshaveni Khangale graduates despite a disability and attributes his success to the unwavering support of his family and doctor.

POLOKWANE – Ntshaveni Khangale, a resilient student with a disability, recently graduated with a B.Com degree from Unisa during the autumn graduations 2024 in Polokwane. His journey is a testament to overcoming extraordinary challenges, including taking exams inside an ambulance.

Khangale believes every Unisa student has a unique story of perseverance. “Character is seen during difficult times. I had to keep my focus on completing my qualification,” he shared.

Despite his disability, Khangale faced additional health issues throughout his studies.

“I was hospitalised frequently in my final year, often asking my doctor to discharge me just to take my exams. I wrote two of my final year modules from an ambulance in transit between the hospital and my home,” he recounted.

He also recalled an instance of severe pain during an exam that forced him to log out, necessitating a repeat of that module.

Khangale attributes his success to the unwavering support of his family and his doctor, Dr Kenoshi.

“My family was and still is my biggest source of support. They never doubted me. Special mention goes to my nephew, Mufunwa Mababo, who organised past exam papers and quizzed me, preparing me for sit-in exams since there were no online options then. My cousin, Maxwell Nemutshili, was another source of motivation, always encouraging me to shake off the disability tag and reminding me that being unable to walk did not mean I could not think,” he said. “Unisa was a place where I could use my mind and equip myself. Above all, the grace of God helped me overcome these difficulties.”

Khangale’s determination has also inspired his partner, Phophi Davhana, to further her studies next year. She learned from him the importance of focusing on what matters and the power of hope and action.

As the first in his family to earn a university qualification, Khangale previously obtained a higher certificate in banking from Unisa in 2019. He dedicated his degree to his family, especially his late mother, Ndiafha Lydia Khangale.

He urged fellow students to stay motivated by their initial reasons for pursuing education.

“The feeling of graduating cannot be compared to the struggles you encounter during your studies. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated time and time again,” he concluded.

Looking ahead, Khangale plans to enrol for B.Com honours in financial modelling.

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