Polokwane baker’s sweet success

Tlou Magolo, an 18-year-old baker and owner of Sweet Butterfly, aspires to expand her baking business and achieve greater success.

POLOKWANE – Ga-Ramongoana-born Tlou Magolo (18), now residing in Polokwane, dreams of expanding her baking business, Sweet Butterfly, far beyond its current reach.

“I learned to bake at home,” Magolo shared.

“My mom, Reginah, taught me in our kitchen, and I also picked up a few skills from Chef Prodigies baking and cooking school. Now, I can offer a variety of products to my clients. Baking involves dealing with disappointments like burnt edges, bad recipes, and wasted ingredients, but these challenges help you learn and improve,” she explained.

Magolo finds joy in seeing her clients’ reactions when they take their first bite and discover that the taste matches the visual appeal.

She believes staying fashionable is essential in today’s baking industry.

“To be a professional baker, you need to showcase your craftsmanship while balancing flavours. Working with a skilled and motivated team continuously improves my skills, and my mom’s support in the kitchen makes me a better baker every day,” she said.

Despite her success, Magolo faces challenges in the industry.

“I never thought I could make it this far. I’ve often compared my cakes to those online, but I remind myself that ‘nothing is perfect in the eyes of the creator.’ That keeps me motivated each day,” she concluded.

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