Boere market welcomes junior entrepreneurs

Young business enthusiasts aged 7 to 15 are invited to join the market and share their entrepreneurial skills.

POLOKWANE – The Polokwane Boere Market at Mamre Restaurant on July 6, organised by Elmar Streicher under Capricorn Homestead, is set to feature junior entrepreneurs and their business skills.

This unique opportunity opens the platform to young business enthusiasts aged 7 to 15.

Streicher shared that the inspiration to include junior entrepreneurs came from a nine-year-old boy who successfully ran a stall next to his mother at their first market.

“The boy did remarkably well. As a father of a seven-year-old girl, I saw this as a fantastic platform for her and other children to learn about business and entrepreneurship outside the classroom. By exposing children to entrepreneurship early, we can help combat the high unemployment rate in our country and equip them with the tools to start and manage their own business ventures from a young age,” he explained.

To participate, children must have their own table and gazebo, and be accompanied by an adult on the day of the market. Streicher emphasised that this will be a valuable learning experience, providing an opportunity to learn basic mathematics, business planning, marketing, and interpersonal skills.

“Most importantly, they get to learn that hard work can lead to great rewards,” he added.

Adult vendors at the market are limited to selling handmade, homemade, and homegrown/farmed products.

Streicher told Polokwane Observer that the Polokwane Boere Market was created to promote his own business. As a niche farmer, he needed a platform to sell his produce.

He realised that a farmers’ market would benefit not only himself but also other like-minded entrepreneurs, providing a space for the community to support local businesses.

This upcoming market will be the second one hosted, with hopes for even greater success than the first.

“Our goal is to hold the market on the first Saturday of every month. This can only happen if the public comes out to support local small businesses. Our vendors are ordinary people with big dreams and serious passions, striving to thrive in a challenging economy. So come by and support local businesses by purchasing delicious homemade, freshly homegrown, and beautifully handmade products at our next market,” Streicher urged.

For more information, contact 061 524 6753.

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