Nzhelele village plagued by power outages

The outage, which began in May, has left thousands of families in significant distress, impacting daily life and livelihoods.

LIMPOPO – Residents of villages in the Nzhelele area, including Tshituni, Mawoni, Biaba and Sokotenda, have been enduring weeks without electricity due to malfunctioning meter boxes.

The outage, which began in May, has left thousands of families in significant distress, impacting daily life and livelihoods.

Affected residents have reported challenges such as spoiled food due to non-functional refrigerators and freezers.

Livhuwani Nemaungani, one of the affected residents, expressed concern over the health implications and safety risks of using alternative cooking methods like paraffin stoves.

Despite repeated attempts to contact Eskom for assistance, many residents say they have received no concrete information or resolution.

“I started using a paraffin stove to cook for my family, but the paraffin stove isn’t safe for the kids,” Nemaungani said.

She highlighted the dire situation faced by poorer families in the area, some of whom have been unable to have proper meals due to the prolonged electricity outage.

Waddy Ramabulana from Nzhelele emphasised the community’s frustration and financial losses incurred as a result of the outage. He called for Eskom to take responsibility and prioritise resolving the issue promptly to minimise further hardships.

In response, Vhamusanda Vho Ntshavheni Nenguda of Eskom assured residents that a team of technical experts is actively investigating the problem.

While unable to provide a specific timeline for restoring electricity, Nenguda reiterated Eskom’s commitment to resolving the issue swiftly.

He apologised for the inconvenience caused and encouraged residents to report any electrical issues directly to Eskom for immediate attention.

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