Top spot for health MEC in leaked Limpopo ANC candidate list

Dr Phophi Ramathuba is one of two women among the top positions on the list that was leaked by an official who was dismissed.

POLOKWANE – A leaked list of ANC candidates selected for parliamentary and provincial legislature positions ahead of the 2024 national elections points to Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba as the preferred candidate for the position of provincial chairperson and in effect, Limpopo’s new premier.

The list, which the Polokwane Observer has in its possession, has two female MECs as preferred candidates for the top two positions in the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC).

Sitting provincial party treasurer and Sport, Arts and Culture MEC Nakedi Kekana was nominated second on the list.

The suggested top five include Agriculture MEC Thabo Mokone, Provincial Legislature Deputy Speaker Tshitireke Matibe and current provincial ANC youth chairperson Ernest Rachoene in the other three spots.

The list also rallies behind President Cyril Ramaphosa for a second term in office.

On Monday the ANC’s national secretary, Fikile Mbalula announced during a media briefing that the list was released unduly by an employee of the Electoral Commission of South Africa following eight months of rigorous selection processes.

The identified staff member was subsequently requested to account for why she should not be released from her employment duties.

The CEO of the IEC Sy Mamabolo, confirmed that the leak was identified and that the official who leaked it has been dismissed.

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