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Ward 19 expresses dissatisfaction about state of tarred roads

The community, in a Ward 19 meeting hosted on social media, expressed dissatisfaction about the state of some tarred roads in the neighbourhood.

POLOKWANE – Member of the mayoral committee for the roads and stormwater strategic business unit, Desmond Moloto has called for calm among the Nirvana community following an outcry about potholes in the area, promising that the unit’s members will move swiftly to continue cleaning stormwater drains and filling potholes.

ā€œI have liaised with the director responsible and have reliably been informed that that area should be prioritised anytime from next week. We cannot give a precise day as it is unpredictable how long it will take for the municipal team to completely finish in the areas currently receiving attention,ā€ he said.

Moloto acknowledged that the community’s concern reached the attention of the municipality.

The community, in a Ward 19 meeting hosted on social media, expressed dissatisfaction about the state of some tarred roads in the neighbourhood.

Following the start of the rainy season, the problem has worsened, they reported.

The pothole in Truro Street in Nirvana is filled a day after a community outrage caused by resident, Huzaifah Motala’s mock photo shared on social media.

ā€œThe holes have become increasingly dangerous for motorists, especially at night,ā€ a community representative, Liesl Solomons said.

In an effort to get the matter prioritised, resident Huzaifah Motala took a mock photo of himself fishing in the pothole in Truro Street last Thursday afternoon and posted it on social media. The post caught attention nationally and according to Motala, the pothole was filled the next morning.

Municipal workers fix a pothole in Ladanna.

Many potholes, however, remain unpatched, he added.

Meanwhile, consistent pothole filling in the city has been disrupted by rain in recent weeks.

In May last year, Mayor John Mpe led the launch of this pothole-filling initiative, which is still underway.

On Saturday, the team filled potholes in Doornkraal and Witklip streets in Ladanna. They also worked in the CBD at the Indian Centre precinct. Other areas that received attention include Grobler Street from the CBD to Ster Park, Landdros MarƩ Street in the CBD, Munnik Avenue in Bendor, Jorissen Street from Moregloed to the CBD and Paul Kruger Street in the CBD, municipal spokesperson Thipa Selala confirmed.

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