Safety in the spotlight after UL students were targeted after bash

Mankweng has seen in increase in crime in recent months, with the latest 2023/24 first quarter crime statistics ranking the local police station third in the country in terms of rape cases being reported.

POLOKWANE – The safety of students at the University of Limpopo who reside off-campus, once again came into the spotlight after a social event (bash) was held on Friday.

Mankweng has seen in increase in crime in recent months, with the latest 2023/24 first quarter crime statistics ranking the local police station third in the country in terms of rape cases being reported.

Several months ago, the university invited safety specialists from the provincial police service to interact with students about ways to ensure that they are at all times aware of their surroundings, to avoid being targeted.

Although this may have worked to some degree, three students who were walking home to their nearby residences were targeted and their cellphones stolen on Friday evening.

“It happened so suddenly. Two men approached us out of nowhere at around 22:00,” one of them told BONUS.

This is despite the university’s Student Representative Council (SRC) having released a communique earlier on the day, advising students to avoid walking alone at night and preferably staying in groups.

The advice, according to SRC Chairperson, Goba Lestwalo was based on unsavoury previous experiences, where students were subjected to theft and attacked. While local police are still investigating the case, Lestwalo said it was also important to report all security breaches to security personnel.

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