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Senior Tshifudi church member (100) laid to rest

Gogo Sophia Muofhe Nthai was described as a selfless and trusted senior member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Africa.

LIMPOPO – A senior member of the Tshifudi branch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Africa (ELCSA), granny Sophia Muofhe Nthai (100) was laid to rest in the Tshifudi Mushungwa cemetery on August 5.

She died on July 30 at her home after a long illness. Her burial followed a service at the church, which was attended by many members of the church and a huge group of community members.

The family spokesperson, Joseph Netshirando, said that as a family, they had to celebrate the life of their grandmother. “She has been a pillar of strength for the past 100 years.”

He said that she would always be remembered as a person who loved others.

“She was a strong leader and we thank God for giving us a wonderful mother who had been there for us throughout the years. Her passing at the age of 100 clearly demonstrates that she was special, and protected by God for many years. She worked hard for her family and provided for fellow community members because she had a good and generous heart. She was a wise granny who could help everyone with her wisdom and knowledge.”

Rev David Sidimela of ELCSA, urged members to emulate the good example set by Nthai. “We worked together for a long time and I can testify that Nthai was a selfless and trusted senior member of the church who worked tirelessly for God. She was a disciplined member who spoke her mind when things were not going well in the church.”

The secretary of Civic, Rudzani Tshipepela said he had learnt of Nthai passing with shock. “We have lost a great advisor whose knowledge of our culture and traditions will be sorely missed. May her soul rest in peace,” he said.

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