Limpopo woman accused of witchcraft’s home torched

A raging mob demanded to search the woman's house for muthi before setting her and her son's houses alight.

POLOKWANE- The police in Mphephu in the Vhembe District are investigating the torching of two houses on July 22.

The incident took place in Mudimeli Village where two houses belonging to a 45-year-old women and her son were set alight after the woman was accused of witchcraft.

Police spokesperson Colonel Malesela Ledwaba said police were alerted by the local chief about a group who had gathered at his place complaining about a family accused of practicing witchcraft and that he was not taking steps against them.

Photo: Limpopo police

“The raging mob then proceeded to the woman’s home and allegedly demanded to search the house for muthi. The group then set the house alight and thereafter went to the woman’s son in the same neighbourhood and torched his house as well” his statement read.

Photo: Limpopo police

The suspects had already fled the scene when the police arrived.

Both houses were completely burned with all personal belongings inside.

“We will never allow this unruly behavior by people who make baseless accusations and take the law into their own hands. The team assigned to track down the suspects responsible must work around the clock to ensure their immediate arrest so that they face the consequences of their actions,” his statement read.

The total estimated damage is R200 000 and there were no injuries sustained during the incident.

Police have opened two counts of arson and the victims and their families have been accommodated at the local Police Station Victim Empowerment Service where they are receiving the necessary assistance, including counseling.

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