Christa has an unconditional love for special needs children

Christa Cronjé has been part of the New Horizon family for 12 years and says she became a teacher to make a difference in the lives of the learners she teaches.

POLOKWANE – Christa Cronjé has for 30 years dedicated her life to teaching, for the greatest time teaching mild to moderately handicapped learners.

She has been at New Horizon for 12 years now and says she still loved every minute.

“I chose to become a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of the learners I teach. It has always been a passion of mine to teach.”

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Cronje said teaching at a school where learners with special needs are taught, does not differ that much from teaching at a school for able children, other than the fact that learners require more love, support, patience and understanding.

“Patience is one of the things I have learnt to give in the years that I have been teaching. I have developed an unconditional love for children with special needs and it has made me thankful for my own children and grandchildren. The most important thing is to never look down on someone,” she said.

Had she not become a teacher, she believes she would have become a social worker.

“I am happy to be in teaching as I can make a meaningful impact in a learner’s life. It is always heartwarming to see improvement, even if it is small and insignificant in terms of other people’s standards,” she concluded.

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