Nehawu calls for the removal of Phophi Ramathuba as Health MEC

Worker union Nehawu say Ramathuba's legacy is one of rampant corruption and staff shortages as a result of prolonged suspensions, among other issues.

POLOKWANE – It remains to be seen how Premier Chupu Mathabatha will respond in coming weeks after calls to have Health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba removed from office have intensified.

Worker union Nehawu, now backed by Cosatu and youths of the South African National Civic Organisation among others, spent several nights outside Mathabatha’s office in protest last week, culminating in the handover of an ultimatum on Friday afternoon.

Nehawu members protest for the removal of Limpopo health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba.

The unions threatened with worker disruptions in the provincial department should the premier not heed their call.

They view the legacy of Ramathuba and her HOD, Dr Dombo Mutheiwana’s administration as “a legacy of rampant corruption and staff shortages as a result of prolonged suspensions, among other issues”.

Most recently, Nehawu provincial chairperson, Moses Maubane claimed there were “hundreds” of unwarranted suspensions across facilities in the department since the MEC’s election to the portfolio in 2014, but that fewer than 80 staff members were found guilty of the transgressions they had been accused of.

Maubane alleges that the suspensions often come as retaliation against staff who requested investigations into malpractices, which he said fell on deaf ears.

The department recently indicted seven Pietersburg Provincial Hospital staff and union members after talks to reinstate them pending a 60-day investigation. This followed an alleged illegal strike, according to health spokesperson, Neil Shikwambana.

Read more: Health dept firm on suspensions at Pietersburg Provincial Hospital

One of them told Polokwane Observer that they had, ahead of the demonstration, made calls for the department to investigate maladministration by management.

Last Friday, Mathabatha received and acknowledged a set of demands, promising to revert in accordance with the set time frame, after aggrieved workers held up placards, chanting profanities and insisting to be acknowledged by him directly.

Sanco members from Lephalale who joined the demonstration, said their communities were also on the verge of embarking on protests due to the dilapidated state of healthcare facilities and poor services, with its convener Lawrence Matsoma alleging having witnessed sickly people bath in cold water for months. This could, however, not be verified.

Matsoma said they would not tolerate sympathy towards Ramathuba from the premier.

“We expect the premier to be fair not be clouded by their aligning political careers. Her works do not prove effective, although it seems so to the public because of her preference to do her work in the presence of social media. We are clear. Phophi must run.”

Contacted for comment, the MEC referred all enquiries back to the Office of the Premier.

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