Seven alternative facts about Youth Day you might not have known

Other countries also celebrate youth just on different dates. For example, in Singapore, Youth Day is celebrated on July 2. International Youth Day, which is recognised by the UN, falls on August 12.

POLOKWANE – In South Africa, Youth Day is a day to reflect on the role that the youth of 1976 played in attaining the freedom that we have today.

South Africa has been in democracy for 29 years, but here are seven facts about Youth Day and all things youth that you might have not known.

1. The definition of youth differs from country to country.
According to the United Nations, “youth” are the people who are from the age of 15 to 24. However, in Nigeria youth are termed to be people between ages 18 and 35. In India, according to the National Youth Policy 2014, the people aged 15-29 are considered to be youth.

2. The amount spent on a student before democracy.  
Did you know, before the democracy, R644 was spent annually for each white student, while only R42 was budgeted for a black student.

3. Youth Day is not celebrated in South Africa alone.
Other countries also celebrate youth just on different dates. For example, in Singapore, Youth Day is celebrated on July 2. International Youth Day, which is recognised by the UN, falls on August 12.

4. The death toll from the June 1976 uprising is 176 in total.
23 deaths occurred on the first day and thousands were left injured. According to, official figures state 23 people had been killed, but some reports estimate that it was at least 200. It is hard to know how many people had been killed because of police efforts to cover up the number of people who died.

5. Gunshot wounds were listed as abscesses.
When the uprising started, the police ordered hospitals to report anyone receiving treatment for gunshot wounds, but doctors listed the wounds as abscesses.

6. Where SA’s youth rank.
Worldwide, most of the youth today are unemployed but South Africa ranks the highest percentage of unemployed youth.

7. Ke Zakumi’s birthday is today.
South Africa’s famous FIFA World Cup soccer mascot was ‘born’ on this iconic day in 1994, according to the FIFA website.

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