Local News

Two suspected thieves saved from mob justice by Lim police

Residents in Madabani say they have in recent times experienced an increase in house break-ins, cable theft, robberies and attacks at shebeens.

LIMPOPO- Two suspected thieves believed to be part of a group of criminals who robbed a Somalian businessman of an undisclosed amount at Madabani on June 2, have the police to thank for saving their lives after an angry mob started to assault them.

Residents in the area say they have in recent times experienced an increase in house break-ins, cable theft, robberies and attacks at shebeens.

A decision was apparently taken during a residents’ meeting held at the local traditional leader’s kraal that they would take the law into their own hands in an effort to curb the trend of crime spiralling out of control.

During the robbery, the man made alarm, and this alerted residents who spotted three men fleeing on foot.

Residents went in pursuit, and managed to corner two of the men before beating them with a stick and throwing stones at them.

The police arrived moments later to come to their rescue.

According to resident who opted to remain anonymous, the community feels betrayed by the police, “as criminals are often handed over to the police but seen roaming the streets the very next day.”

“We are tired of the anarchy caused by thugs. They have been terrorising us for a long time, and each time they get caught after committing a crime, they simply return to the community.”

The spokesperson for the police, Sgt Irene Radzilani, said she was concerned about the fact that the community took the law into their own hands.

“We strongly discourage this tendency. If a crime is committed, the community should call the police and let the officers do their job. People should take into consideration that taking the law into their own hands is a downright criminal offence.”

She confirmed that the two men were arrested and charged with robbery.

At the time of our going to print, they were still in hospital under police guard.

They will appear in court once they are fit to do so.

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