Westenburg residents concerned over lack of police visibility

Angry Westenburg residents highlighted the lack of police visibility in their community as a major concern as drug users and crime escalate as a result.

POLOKWANE – A lack of police visibility, unresolved cases and an escalation in drug users and crime were among the matters that were discussed in a crime prevention campaign, led by the Community Police Forum (CPF) in Westenberg ward 19 last Monday evening.

Angry residents gathered in the community hall to address these matters, with SAPS provincial head Brig Isaac Mhlongo, district commissioner Maj Gen Lesiba Mashilo, provincial CPF chairperson Frans Kgasago, ward councillors and representatives of the CPF present.

Residents were given the opportunity to voice their grievances, and they highlighted the lack of police visibility in their community as one of their major concerns.

One resident, who is a member of the CPF related how he witnesses a robbery while on duty one evening, adding that the police never showed up on the scene.

“I was on duty patrolling, and I witnessed six robberies committed by the same people. Even though I contact them, the police never showed up.”

Another resident also supported his claims, saying she tried to call the police following a shooting in her street last Friday evening.

“I called the police and explained to them what was happening outside, and described the car that the perpetrators were driving in. I was surprised when the police came and stood next to the car that I described and did nothing, they left as if they had not seen anything.”

After the police left, the perpetrators continued to shoot again, and that led to someone being injured, she said.

“The police returned with two vans, but they didn’t inspect the place or even got out of the police vans.”

In response to the grievances, Mhlongo firstly apologised for the station commander and his counterparts not being able to attend the meeting.

He said that they would respond in due course. He added that they will ensure that fair processes are being followed to ensure the safety of the community.

“We will continuously patrol here from now on, we are going to schools to try to motivate learners in our efforts to rid the area of crime.”

He added that they will ensure that fair process are being followed to ensure the safety of the community, and said they will also host school programmes to keep learners away from crime.

Mashilo said they have noted the grievances of the community and will work with them to ensure Westenburg becomes a safer place. “We will resolve your issues with the district commissioner before we take the matter to the provincial commissioner.”

He further said that should community members see police officers using police vehicles for purposes other than patrolling, or officers not assisting the public as they are required, residents should report this.

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