Your bread tag or bottle top can help someone get a wheelchair

Find out how you can assist The Sweethearts Foundation's quest to not only reduce plastic pollution but also help someone in need of a wheelchair.

POLOKWANE – Pollution and the well-being of our planet are regular topics of discussion around the world and the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills is a sure sign of concern for many people.

The Sweethearts Foundation has come up with an idea to help reduce plastic pollution through the collection of bread tags and plastic bottle tops that are then recycled by local companies.

These companies then pay the foundation and this money is then used to buy a wheelchair for a beneficiary that is on top of their list.

The foundation’s manager Jessica Gordon says their beneficiaries often require something more specialised than a standard wheelchair.

“This means the number of bottle tops needed is higher. A standard wheelchair is funded through 1 750kg bottle tops or 350kg bread tags. We work on a case-to-case basis with a team of occupational therapists who recommend the best-suited wheelchair for each beneficiary and 450kg or 50kg is used as a benchmark.”

The Sweethearts Foundation only collects bottle tops with a number two or number five resin, which is the recycling number on top. This includes cleaning products, household products, peanut butter lids, and mayonnaise lids.

“At the Sweetheart Foundation, we have a saying: ‘If you can drink the product, you can keep the lid’. We do not collect metal tops, lids or caps.”

The non-profit, community-driven and volunteer-based organisation was established on Valentine’s Day in 2013 and has provided 498 wheelchairs to individuals across the country.

Readers who would like to help the Sweetheart Foundation can contact Veronica Wepener on 082 466 3500 to arrange a drop-off.

“Bread tags and bottle tops should be in different bags and not all in one bag. I also have a box available for cold drink tops.”

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