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Cousins tackle unemployment with gaming hangout

Kevin Mothata and Sehlaga Legodi opened their own gaming hangout in Seshego after noticing a gap for facilities like this in townships.

POLOKWANE – With the high unemployment rate among youths in South Africa, Kevin Mothata and his cousin, Sehlaga Legodi saw it fit to open their own gaming console company, which opened its doors in February near the Capricorn TVET College (Seshego campus).

They say the concept came to them after noticing a gap in online gaming systems in townships such as Seshego.

Kevin’s mom’s influence was also a big factor in their decision, they said, as she advised them to instead make a living out of what they already have instead of waiting for someone to employ them.

Kevin Mothata.

“Now, instead of allowing our friends to play on our gaming consoles for free, we started charging them,” said Mothata.

They aim to give more players who don’t have the finances to buy their own consoles the opportunity to play, and in this way grow their market.

As they currently operate from a small tent, bad weather sometimes interrupts business, but this is a small obstacle they face.

Mothata stressed the importance of having such games in communities as these bring young children together and keep them off the street and away from crime.

“I love how it changes the lives of children in these neighbourhood,” he added.

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