Khongoni Bar at your service, on your doorstep

Mashupje Maphaha spent four years on his mobile bar, perfecting every aspect of his idea to offer the best service wherever his clients needs a bar.

POLOKWANE – Four years ago, Mashupje Maphaha embarked on a business idea that would combine the need for a stylish drinks bar and the convenience of having it on wheels.

The 34-year-old entrepreneur from Flora Park is the man behind Khongoni Bar, a mobile bar on call.

Maphaha explained that the reason he started the business was because he saw a gap in the market.

“Yes, there are already existing mobile bars out there, but they are limited. I felt there was a need for a more creative, classy one with an indoor feel once it is set up,” he said.

The design for Khongoni Bar is a normal bar, like the one you see at pubs and restaurants but it’s on wheels and once set up, you’re unable to differentiate whether it’s a mobile or stationary bar.

It took him four years to put together because it was built from scratch.

He wanted a bar that would stand out, also taking into consideration things such as bar maintenance, haulage, unfavourable weather conditions and load-shedding.

“The name Khongoni, which is a Venda name for ‘wildebeest’ came after it was completed, ” he said.

Some of the challenges that he faced include material and labour costs.

“I had to modify the structure for durability and weight distribution, the structure had to be waterproof before interior installation, small leaks and the main challenge being licensing and registration,” he explained.

Maphaha plans to promote the bar in such a way, that it’s the first thing people think of when they plan events and with the immaculate lounge setup, it can cater for all events.

“It is also a bonus that distance is not a hindrance, we are able to go anywhere where our service is needed,” he added.

Visit their Facebook page Khongoni Bar for more information.

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