Palmietfontein animal abuse: SPCA to lay charges

SPCA Polokwane manager Selma Landman confirmed to the Polokwane Review that three dogs were taken from a plot in Palmietfontein and placed in their care.

POLOKWANE – The SPCA in Polokwane have confirmed that charges of cruelly beating an animal will be laid against a man from Palmietfontein outside Polokwane.

The man was caught on camera hitting and kicking a dog on his property and the video has since been widely circulated on social media.

SPCA Polokwane manager Selma Landman confirmed to the Polokwane Review that three dogs were taken from the plot and placed in their care.

“There was cooperation and we can confirm that the dogs are in our care,” she said.

She added that the dog in the video was not injured and had been taken to a vet for assessment.

Read more: SPCA Polokwane attending to animal abuse on Palmietfontein plots 

In the video, the dog can be seen tied up on a leash as the man tugs and pulls the dog towards him.

He is then seen hitting the dog, leaning over it and kicking it before the dog runs away.

Landman said they are deciding on a way forward as there is animal cruelty involved and that the charges would be laid in terms of the Animals Protection Act No. 71, 1962.

According to the Act, any person who cruelly overloads, overdrives, overides, beats, kicks, goads, ill-treats, neglects, infuriates, terrifies, tortures or maims any animal will be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or in default of payment to imprisonment.

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