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HPP is excited to host a praise and worship evening this week

Hoërskool Piet Potgieter will soon welcome various artists such as Dewald Gouws, Eugene Cooper to praise and worship with Mokopane residents.

MOKOPANE – “OUR dams are full, the rivers are running and the community has water. We asked for this before the Covid-19 pandemic and the Lord provided for us,” explains pastor Martin Ferreira of Profound Ministries.

On October 15 he invites the community to praise and worship the Lord.

He explains the main goal, after confirmation from all the role players, is to thank God on the field of Hoërskool Piet Potgieter for the generous rainfall in the past year.

“Just before Covid-19, many of the churches came together and we prayed to the Lord for rain and to fill our rivers, dams and surrounding areas and to support our farmers with water and as everyone knows, the Lord answered. The dams and rivers are full and the farmers and communities can breathe again. The Lord put it on my heart to hold a praise and worship day to also involve the residents to just become one family within our town again and to give the Lord all the praise.”

He adds that all the churches, the community and the school children, mainly the high school’s children, are urged to attend this event.

He explains the high school went through deep waters these last few years and that there is a turnaround in the school.

“With the help of teachers and parents, we are busy bringing religion back into the school and I think it is a good start to host the praise and worship on the school grounds.”

The gates open at 15:00 after which several artists such as Dewald Gouws, Eugene Cooper and members of Celebration Church and Shammah Ministries will serve the community from 17:00 with Christian songs.

Martin says this is an opportunity for everyone to join hands and to thank the Lord for all that He gave us.

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