SMMEs at wits’ end with no water or electricity

Business owners are scared of their property being damaged or stolen and struggle to uphold an acceptable standard of service delivery.

POLOKWANE – Small, medium and micro enterprise owners plead with government to invest in renewable energy sources for their businesses.

According to them, prolonged power cuts and the substantial shortages of water are not only slowly exposing their commercial efforts to criminal elements, but their quality of service also worsens due to insufficient funds to afford alternative energy sources.

Stan’s Confectionery is a small business in Seshego Zone 8, a residential area where considerable house theft is experienced.

The owner, Stanley Molokomme says, although stoves and fridges would probably not be stolen because of their weight and large sizes, he still worries that criminals can break into his home and help themselves to his stock of products and other small equipment when the power is out.

Molokomme holds politicians accountable who assume technical leadership positions without appropriate qualifications.

He believes these officials contribute to the large decline of economic activities for SMMEs, as they do not have the required skills to support business owners.

“For us not to squander billions, politicians must utilise defence force specialists whose job it is to come up with viable energy sources.”

His business needs a lot of water to bake and clean equipment.

The recent inconsistent supply of water to the area has prevented him from delivering large orders on time for customers.

Meanwhile the Department of Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism asks businesses people to try and see opportunities rather than challenges caused by power cuts and water shortages.

“Challenges of this nature introduces opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore alternative solutions. Generator’s can be installed or rented out to businesses in need. Entrepreneurs can also work with other businesses to refill water storage tanks,” says spokesperson Zaid Kalla.

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