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Emelda is proud to heal the traditional way

Polokwane resident Emelda Mannya is a traditional healer and refers to herself as a soul renovator.

POLOKWANE – Emelda Mannya (35) from Polokwane is a woman of many talents and is passionate about all the roles she fills.

Mannya is a life coach, traditional healer, palm reader, reiki and chakra practitioner who founded the Excellent Emelda Foundation. She is a registered traditional healer with an Honours degree in Media Studies and a diploma in life coaching.

Mannya obtained a reiki and chakra healing certification, a diploma in palm reading and she’s qualified in moderation and assessing various types of seminars.

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She often refers to herself as a soul renovator, as she performs bones readings, oracle card readings, spiritual cleansing, dream guidance.

She also offers protection of all ceremonies, protection against evil deeds and witchcraft, business improvement assistance, employment seeking assistance, pregnancy assistance, libido boosters, training and healing of spiritually gifted people, herbal teas for blood sugar-related complications, depression, anxiety, bed-wetting and other illnesses.

Mannya regularly offers advice to individuals who would like to follow in her footsteps.

“The first step is to accept your calling, you don’t just wake up one day and decide to be a traditional healer. You need to heal all of your childhood trauma, understand your purpose with the calling and then finally embrace your calling,” she explained.

The challenges Mannya faces as a traditional healer on a daily basis is over-exertion and that people often try to take advantage of her.

“You need to take some time off every now and then because people will always seek your help at all times of the day. Some clients will take advantage of my kindness and when I set boundaries, it becomes a bit of a challenge,” she said.

She explained sometimes clients visit her who seek help as they think they are bewitched, but all they need to do is change their behaviour and attitude.

“When I have a depressed patient, I usually refer them to a psychologist after I cleansed them,” she added.

For traditional medical help, contact Mannya on 073 729 8198.

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