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Woman with cancer denied access to Vleifontein Clinic

The woman, who according to sources, had experienced severe pain and upon arrival at the clinic, was told by security officers that she could not enter as there was no electricity.

POLOKWANE – If negligence was at play, steps will be taken against staff at Vleifontein Clinic who recently denied a critically ill woman access to the facility.

This is according to Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba who was on August 12 informed by members of the local community that a cancer patient was being denied care at the clinic.

The woman, who according to sources, had experienced severe pain and upon arrival at the clinic, was told by security officers that she could not enter as there was no electricity.

You might also want to read: Woman with cancer denied access to Vleifontein Clinic

She then proceeded to lay down, and according to some who witnessed the incident, was laughed at by security personnel.

“The woman, who was with her three-year-old grandson, decided to lay down on the ground at the entrance of the clinic after the nurse made it clear that she is not going to be helped. You could see the woman was in pain, and she could not go home without being helped,” an eyewitness told CV.

“By the time she arrived at the clinic around 17:00, there were a couple of other patients waiting at the gate. We told the nurses how serious her situation was, but they just ignored her,” another patient said.

The Health MEC visited the clinic a day later, saying she was disturbed by reports of a critically ill woman being denied access to the clinic.

“Those responsible are being dealt with and the patient has in the meantime been attended to,” she confirmed.

She said the situation has angered her tremendously. “On the evening the incident happened, I received a call from the community at around 19:00. We immediately dispatched a hospital to ensure that the woman is safe. She has since been attended to.”

She said an investigation was underway and that steps will be taken against those found guilty of negligence.

“We view these allegations in a serious light and will dispatch our team to investigate as soon as possible.”

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