Local business fraternity irked by load-shedding

Limpopo Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Albert Jeleni is resolute that load-shedding has destabilised the sustainability of not only small, but also bigger enterprises.

POLOKWANE – He is irked by how some macro-enterprises, that were able to adapt through the purchase and extension of fuel-powered generators before, have now taken a lot of strain, due to an even tighter economy.

“It is very difficult to attract investors for any idea while we have electricity disruptions time and time again.”

On July 25, President Cyril Ramaphosa outlined measures meant to deal with load reduction to increase electricity capacity, however, Jeleni said it is unacceptable that load-shedding returned almost immediately after the president’s address.

“We saw the country going back to load-shedding without any explanation whatsoever. A mall may not be able to power all the shops through alternative measures, and it derails them from functioning normally,” he continued.

Jeleni let Polokwane Observer in on the hardships being faced by smaller enterprises, which do not have investors at all.

“Having to hire employees, buy stock and process it, only to lose it due to a lack of electricity takes us back as the business community. It is demotivating,” he added.

The chamber president mentioned the challenge of how most smaller businesses are unable to adapt to the use of fuel generators or solar energy to keep afloat due to hardly having money.

“For a smaller business to spend money, it needs assurance that they will get it back.”

He said smaller businesses are afraid of purchasing alternative electricity sources because of uncertainty on how long load-shedding will last in South Africa.

Furthermore, Jeleni said government should be aware of how small businesses are sustained by macro enterprises such as supermarkets. He pleaded with the government to think of electricity reduction as a form of disaster for especially small businesses. “It should assist with some form of compensation or even invest in ideas of small businesses some more.”

Local businesswoman Mokgadi Phetha shared the one thing she struggles with most during load-shedding in her beauty salon in the city. “It’s difficult for me to work when there is load-shedding as I need warm water for cleansing. I end up postponing appointments and I would have wasted time, or it is simply a situation of clients cancelling their appointments and I lose money either way.”

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