Hero’s welcome for Thendo after month-long US visit

The Gr 11 learner, who hails from Tshandama village outside Thohoyandou, returned from a month-long innovation project he attended in Texas in the US.

LIMPOPO – Thendo Nekhavhambe received a hero’s welcome when he returned to Thengwe Secondary School recently.

The Gr 11 learner, who hails from Tshandama village outside Thohoyandou, returned from a month-long innovation project he attended in Texas in the US.

Thendo, who is one of the top learners at his school, told CV that a teacher urged him to apply for the project that explained how the world can be more sustainable by generating electricity using carbon dioxide from factories.

“I applied online and had my interview in March. I explained why they should choose me to attend the project, and I was later informed that I was selected,” he explained.

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Thendo said his inclusion was a dream that came true. “I never hesitated and grab the opportunity to go overseas with both hands,” he added.

Thendo shared he enjoyed boarding an aircraft for the first time. “I thank God for the opportunity, it was a wonderful experience,” he said.

The 17-year-old urged his classmates to remain focused and to believe in their dreams.

Norman Munyangane, the deputy principal, said Thendo made the school proud. “He did not use his cellphone to cyberbully others, but instead used it fruitfully and entered an online competition. Thendo’s journey was a difficult one as we initially thought it might be a scam, but we are glad he was able to represent our school abroad,” he concluded.

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