Police reach out to APD residents for Mandela Day

According to Polokwane SAPS spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba, the donation formed part of their social responsibility.

POLOKWANE – In spirit of Mandela Day, Polokwane SAPS and Community Police Forum, donated brand-new clothes, vegetables, non-perishable food and toiletries to Association for Persons With Disability (APD) in Polokwane.

On July 20 the Police went to APD with the brass band to entertained the residents with popular South African songs, which had them on their feet so show off their dancing skills and caused for a lot of excitement among the residents. According to Polokwane SAPS spokesperson Lesiba Ramoshaba, the donation formed part of their social responsibility.

“It is our social responsibility as the police to assist and serve communities and those in need. Most of the people think the only role of police is to arrest people, but our role is also to serve the community. We wanted to make the residents here feel loved and recognised because irrespective of their challenges, they are part of the human race.”

APD director Christa van der Walt said the donated items will be useful to the organisation.

“This is a wonderful gesture from the police and we are grateful. The clothes will be appreciated by the residents.”

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