IN PICTURES: Kids jump in the holiday fun

The staff at Action Sports Polokwane wanted to ensure children have fun this holiday and therefore set up a variety of bouncing castles at their premises over the weekend.

POLOKWANE – A holiday filled with fun activities sounds like a fantastic idea.

The staff at Action Sports Polokwane wanted to ensure children have fun this holiday and therefore set up a variety of bouncing castles at their premises over the weekend.

Parents were thrilled to see their children smile and to hear them make cheerful noises as they hopped from one castle to the next.

The children were not the only ones who were treated. Parents could enjoy a combination of good food, snacks and fizzy refreshments.

Organiser Carmen Gerner said it was the first time they hosted the event, dubbed Action Bounce.

“Since it’s the holidays, we considered creating something enjoyable for the kids. We decided on setting up the jumping castles inside as we wanted to keep the kids away from the cold. We were well supported and hope to have even more children join in the fun if we host this again.”

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