Fred takes over reins as Rotary Club president

The Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 hosted their annual presidential induction at the Polokwane Golf Club this year.

POLOKWANE – MC and past president Klaus Rabiga welcomed the guests and announced the glamorous evening would be the 37th induction of a new president at The Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100. Rotarian Martin Potgieter read the objective of rotary while Orrie Baragwanath read out the four-way test.

“At Rotary we aspire in all we say and do subjected to the four-way test. 1. Is it true? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”

The president stepping down, Casper Gilfillan, had the opportunity to announce the Rotarian to receive the Paul Harris Award. “The Paul Harris Award is awarded to someone who made an outstanding contribution in the community. This is our way to express our appreciation to them. This year we would like to hand it over to past president Naas Vorster.”

In his speech, Gilfillan mentioned that most of the club’s projects could continue during lockdown as their systems were in place.

“Our club avenues are as follows: Community services avenue, where we collect money for Our Home as well as our feeding scheme that has been going on for two years. Vocational avenue when we visited Freshmark and had a variety of speakers educate us on various topics, as well as games afternoons by John Dunlevy. Thirdly we have the International, Foundation and New Generation avenue, for which Klaus kept the Facebook page up to date and we set a toast to other clubs who then received a card.”

Before Casper called the new president to the front, he handed out three prizes namely the Rotarian of the Year Award to Horst Meyer, the Stirrerspoon Award, which went to Jaco Nortje, and the Grumpy Award was handed over to Kiepie Fowlds, who is always happy.

Fred de Wit took over the reins as president and in his short speech mentioned what the word ‘smart’ means. “The S is for specific, the M is for measurable, the A is for achievable, the R is for realistic and the T is for timing. Let us all be smart.”

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