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Limpopo initiation school under the spotlight after boy (6) dies

The boy's parents reportedly gave consent for their child to attend the initiation school.

LIMPOPO – Police spokesperson Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo has confirmed that police in Bolobedu have opened an inquest docket after the death of a six-year-old boy.

“Investigations have started after the death of the minor,” he told Review.

Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs MEC spokesperson Hitekani Magwedze confirmed the death in a statement.

“The department has suspended caregivers and closed down an initiation school under the Modjadji Traditional Community after the death of a minor at the school on Monday (June 27) night. It has been established that the initiate, who had been diagnosed with epilepsy, was admitted at the initiation school with his parents’ consent,” Magwedze explained.

He said the parents of the boy and the initiation school contravened Section 12 (1) of the Limpopo Initiation Schools Act 6 of 2016. “The act states that no person below the age of 12 can be admitted to an initiation school.”

Coghsta MEC Basikopo Makamu labelled the incident as ‘devastating’. “We have, since the start of this initiation season, begged parents to play an active role in adhering to the law that governs initiation schools. We condemn, in the harshest terms, the admitting of children who are underaged at initiation schools for this exact reason,” he said.

Makumu warned these types of incidents, whether with the blessing of a parent or not, will not be tolerated. “We have swiftly moved to close down the initiation school and immediately suspended the traditional caregivers and surgeons who were operating there. The incident has unfortunately tarnished our target of no deaths during this initiation season. Beyond that, we are heartbroken that an innocent life has been unnecessarily cut short,” he said.

Asked about an incident at a tavern in Moletjie, where initiates from a different initiation school reportedly attacked residents, Magwedze said: “Our department has not been made aware of the said incident. We do, however, condemn any criminal activities by people in the name of the initiation season.”

He urged residents to report any such incidents to their local police station.

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