Being a coach means being a father to many

Local soccer coach Banyano Moloto said it is important to have a father figure in your life and has taken on the role of father to many of the children he coaches who don't have present fathers. 

POLOKWANE – Many promising young soccer players in the country have failed to reach their full potential due to ill discipline and bad behaviour, which often results from family backgrounds and lack of father figures in their lives.

This is according to a local soccer coach, Bayano Moloto who believes for one to achieve their goals they need stability in their homes.

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“Everything starts at home. One needs a solid background. Every house needs a father but unfortunately, that is not the case in every household. I have coached plenty of young soccer boys who said they wish their fathers were around to share all sorts of issues with them and have someone they can talk to when they have problems or when they have achieved something. That void leaves a psychological dent on them,” he said.

He said despite the absence of father figures in the lives of some of his players, he finds joy in taking on the role of a father.

“I strongly feel that everybody needs a father figure in their life and that is the role we play as coaches. In my many football years I have coached boys who are exceptionally talented but became wayward in their careers due to instability at home.”

Moloto said it is hard for young men to confide in their mothers and share their problems with them.

“Some are living with their mothers but you can see that they needed that male figure to help deal with challenges they encounter every day.”

He said it is a coach’s duty to play the role and do it well.

“Fatherhood does not have restrictions and limitations. I am father to my own children and father to my players as well and that gives me great fulfilment,” he said.

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