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Ward 20 community meeting discusses issues, finds solutions

Residents of Ward 20 which includes Flora Park, Fauna Park, Penina Park and Serala View pleaded with their ward councillor, Phaka Murwa, to give them tangible solutions on when they will have low-cost housing and overall better service delivery.

POLOKWANE – Residents had their concerns voiced during a community meeting called by Murwa in Flora Park on June 12.

“It is a sad situation that grown-ups who have their own children, have to stay in their parents’ houses. We need to urgently ensure that low-cost houses are provided to those in need.”

He urged residents to have comfort in the fact that the Polokwane Municipality is now licensed to build RDP houses as accredited by the National Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Murwa urged residents in need of housing to enlist their names so they can be on the waiting list for housing units.

Murwa acknowledged that the state of roads in especially Phafuri and Chuene streets in Penina Park is poor.

He furthermore applauded residents for embracing the Leeto La Polokwane bus initiative saying a survey conducted on the buses established that ward 20 contributes the largest number of commuters. “We should have included the state of roads in the IDP so that there can be re-graveling but we will include it in the next IDP,” he said.

Another issue that was raised was that of criminals hiding in abandoned houses.

“We also need to look into the issue of waste pickers as they potentially scout for houses to burgle,” she remarked.

Murwa used the opportunity to urge residents to acquaint themselves with their local CPF so as to get help when the need arises.

He said he hopes to speed up service delivery once the induction of ward committees is concluded.

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