Seshego entrepreneur: Work for your next meal, don’t complain

Kitekani Maluleke, an entrpreneur from Seshego Zone 6, has urged the youth to stop loitering and complain about unemployment and create economic opportunities for themselves.

POLOKWANE – Kitekani Maluleke sells Kotas to learners from various schools in Seshego as well as the community at large and said he started his business four years ago after discovering a niche market an opportunity.

“I could not find any form of employment after completing my studies. I needed to come up with a turnaround strategy and that was entrepreneurship. We can’t depend on government or private companies for employment. Young people need to wake up and do things for themselves, establish business enterprises and corporations to fend for themselves,” he said.

Maluleke said he has heeded President Ramaphosa’s call for the youth to start businesses to curb the high rate of unemployment because he knows it is not easy to be employment.

“I started my own business and it is doing fairly well. I have employed four people, so it means I am assisting four families. Young people need to work for their next meal, it does not help to complain.”

Maluleke also sells fish and chips, chicken wings, pork ribs and full grilled chickens, popularly known as chicken dust to his clientele. “I have immersed myself well in the community. I needed to create options for my clients hence the menu and different services,” he said.

Maluleke said his aim is to grow his business and that he one day hopes to own a restaurant in Polokwane.

“I hope to employ people in the community and fight the scourge of unemployment and poverty. Unemployment is wreaking havoc among young people and destroying so many lives,” he said.

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