Alpheus aims to mend broken hearts and spark love with his books

His book Light of Affection elaborates on how to treat a woman you love and how to live happily together.

POLOKWANE – Young author, Alpheus Masoga from Seshego aims to strengthen love in relationships with his books titled Love Trail, Light of Affection and Awoke.

His goal with the books is to mend broken hearts and to spark love. Today his book is selling well in town where he positioned himself on the side of the streets in the CBD. He tells BONUS that many lovers are buying his books to mend their broken relationships, learn how to save their sinking relationships and how to fix their problems.

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Alpheus’ passion for debate and arguments has grown deeper instead and he is now a self-published author of three books.

“Many people ask me for relationship advice and writing came natural for me. My writing journey started in 2017 when I posted advice about love and relationships. Those posts went viral and that’s when I started to trend,” he said.

His advice is very therapeutic to those who have experienced pain and heals those who have relationship problems. “I consider relationship topics one of the most difficult subjects to talk about,” he said.

His book Light of Affection elaborates on how to treat a woman you love and how to live happily together. Love Trail speaks about building healthy relationships and how to keep things intersecting and the third book titled Awoke is a special kind book that speaks about God and healing.

“This book is a holy divine that pulls people out of depression and suicidal thoughts and heal them from their pain and how easily they feel closer to God when they read it,” he said.

A few months ago, Alpheus was a relationship coach and advisor who solved matters of the heart on a local radio station. “I ended up channelling my energy into writing expressing my thoughts on a piece of paper, and I chose to focus more on writing than radio. I felt this is where I belong,” he said.

He urges the youth that is passionate about writing to stop wasting time and put pen to paper. “Put your thinking and thoughts on paper, express your inner feelings and share your life experience with the world, you never know, you might end up as a published author as well,” he said.

His book costs R200. To get a copy contact him on 060 951 8675.

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