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CPF to only mediate in domestic disputes

Chairperson Francois Swart says the CPF in Polokwane receives on average three domestic violence-related cases weekly.

POLOKWANE – The Community Policing Forum (CPF) says it will, going forward, only provide mediation assistance for domestic violence victims who opt not to open cases with the police.

According to Polokwane CPF chairperson, Francois Swart, the CPF would previously attend to such cases, but would be left out in the cold when the victim subsequently decides to not open a case against the perpetrator.

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“We often get to the scene and find the victim being beaten up by a partner. We would then detain the suspect, but by the time we reach the station the severity of the matter hits and those involved forgive each other and no case is opened. At this point we will still attend to domestic violence cases or emergencies but we will not facilitate the opening of a case. At most, we will try to calm the situation down, get family involved if necessary and resolve the matter on the scene. The only time we will open a case is if there are children involved.”

Swart says the CPF has an obligation to keep the community safe and sometimes it means keeping children safe from their parents.

He says when minors are involved they will be forced to open a case, remove the child from the situation and ensure that any children are placed in the care of a social worker while a family assessment is being done.

According to Swart the CPF in Polokwane receives on average three domestic violence-related cases weekly.

Domestic violence incidents are sparked mostly by finances, social status and often also substance abuse, he said, as most victims and their abusers are under the influence of one or another substance when they get to the scene.

“Domestic violence is a societal problem. In most cases one partner feels entitled to the other and it leads to conflict. Emotional abuse is also very high in Polokwane along with issues relating to the manipulation of parents by their children. In order for change to happen it needs to start with individuals. If a person does not decide to change then there is no way they will be able to make a change,” he said.

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