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Ivydale residents overjoyed with power upgrade news

Polokwane Municipality recently started with the upgrade of the 11KV electrical distribution line.

POLOKWANE – Residents of Ivydale were overjoyed when contractors appointed by Polokwane Municipality recently started with the upgrade of the 11KV electrical distribution line that should alleviate most of the challenges that were experienced for quite some time.

A deputation of residents led by the DA councillor in ward 22, Mariette Pretorius, were briefed by the Polokwane assistant manager of energy planning and development, Dennis Mokoala last Wednesday morning.

Representatives of the electricity upgrade contract Refilwe Legodi and Dineo Mashele with ward 22 DA councillor Mariëtte Pretorius.

Mokoala explained that an amount of R1.5m will be spent before the end of the current financial year on June 30.

“The project will only deal with the 11KV lines at present and some isolators, poles and cabling will be replaced over a distance of approximately 2km,” Makoala said and added that the activities will involve power outings when necessary. “We will, however, inform the residents well in advance,” he assured.

Pretorius expressed her delight with the progress already made and thanked the municipality for responding to the DA’s requests followed by a petition containing more than 300 signatures that was presented to the local authority last year.

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